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Assets - Details

Breathe Life into Your Projects with Rapport Assets

Adding characters, audio, and scripts (and potentially more in the future!) is a breeze in Rapport. The process is similar across all asset types, with intuitive layouts and consistent commands. Let's start with characters, since they're essential for building your AI experience. You can always add audio or script assets later to further enrich your project.

Characters: Your Cast of Rapport Stars!

Building Your Rapport Cast:

Whether you're a Rapport newbie or a seasoned pro, the Asset Library - Characters section is your central hub for managing the animated stars of your experiences!

New to Rapport?

When you create a new workspace, it'll be like a blank stage waiting for its actors. To create an AI project, as a minimum you'll need to add a character. Luckily, Rapport has you covered:

  • Public Library: Dive into our public character library, where you'll find a diverse range of animated stars ready to join your project.

  • Custom Creations: Feeling creative? You can even design your own custom characters to truly personalise your experiences.

Existing Rapport User?

If you're already a Rapport user, you'll see your existing characters displayed in the Asset Library. This is where you'll find your troupe of ready-to-perform stars, waiting to bring your projects to life!

  • Characters added from the Public Library are tagged “Library”.

  • Characters that were created by you or your colleagues are tagged “Private”.


Finding Your Star:

Need a specific character for your project? The search bar is your spotlight! Just type in a name or keyword, and Rapport will filter the character list to show only those that match. Finding the perfect star is a breeze.

Audio Assets: Setting the Stage with Sound

Building Your Soundscape:

Similar to characters, the Rapport Asset Library - Audio section empowers you to curate sounds for your project.

  • Public Library: Choose from a selection of pre-existing audio clips to find some foundational elements you can use.

  • Custom Creations: Feeling creative? Upload your own audio files using the built-in tools.

Script Assets: Craft Compelling Narratives

Building Your Script:

The Rapport Asset Library - Scripts section is your one-stop shop for crafting clear and engaging narratives.

  • Public Library: Explore a collection of pre-written script examples that can serve as inspiration for your project.

  • Custom Creations: Develop your own unique scripts directly within Rapport.

Let's get your Rapport experience rolling with some amazing characters, audio, and scripts!

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