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Invite Users to Your Organisation

Invitation Process:

Managing your Rapport organization involves inviting users to collaborate on projects. You can invite existing Rapport users or new users who haven't signed up yet.

Choose User Access:

  • Owner: Grants full access to all workspaces within your organization.

  • Member: Provides access to specific workspaces you designate.

Invite Existing Users:

  • Follow the steps to invite a user (including selecting their access level).

  • Once complete, a unique invite link will be generated.

  • Copy and paste this link into your preferred communication medium (email, chat, etc.) to send the invite to the existing Rapport user.

  • Clicking the link directs the invited user to your organization with access based on your selection (Owner or Member with specific workspace permissions).

  • This organization will appear on their existing list of organizations.

Invite New Users:

  • Follow the steps to invite a user (including selecting their access level).

    Once complete, a unique invite link will be generated.

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  • Copy and paste this link into your preferred communication medium (email, chat, etc.) to send the invite to the new user.

  • Clicking the link directs the invited user to the Rapport sign-up page.

  • Upon successful sign-up, they'll be added to your organization with access based on your selection (Owner or Member with specific workspace permissions).

  • They won't have a separate personal organization - only your organization will be listed.


  • Invite links are not sent automatically via email. You'll need to copy and share them manually through your chosen communication channels.

Additional Tips:

  • You can manage user access levels and workspace permissions later if needed.

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