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Project Demo & Integrate

Demo and Integrate: Share Your Creation

Take Your Project to the Next Level

Once you've perfected your interactive experience in the Design phase, it's time to share your masterpiece with the world. The Demo and Integrate stage empowers you to customize your shareable link or demo page, adding your unique branding and features.

Please note that the Demo page changes and configuration do not form part of the code snippets shown on the Demo and Integrate page.


Key Features:

  • Create a Shareable Demo Page: Generate a unique link to showcase your project to others

  • Customize Your Demo: Personalize your demo page with your own branding, logo, and color scheme

  • Instant Preview: See how your changes will look in real-time

How to Access Your Demo Page:

  • Click the Image: Directly access your demo page by clicking on the project image

  • Edit the Demo Page: Customize your demo page settings by clicking on the "Edit Demo Page" button

  • View Live Page: If you're satisfied with your project, click on the "View Live Page" button to directly access the live demo

  • Copy Link: This will copy the URL of your Demo page

Once you're in the Edit Demo Page, you can personalize your demo by clicking on the dotted-line boxes. This will open a menu where you can make various adjustments.

Key Customization Options:

  • Branding: Upload your logo to replace the Rapport logo.

  • Background: Choose a solid color, gradient, or upload a custom background image.

  • UI Theme: Select a color theme for the user interface.

  • Welcome Message: Add a personalized welcome message to greet your visitors.

You can also preview how your demo page will look on mobile devices.

Don't forget to save your changes to see the updated demo.

Ready to share? Click "View Mode" to see your final demo page or click on the share demo page icon (the square with the arrow)

Publish and Share Your Masterpiece

Once your project is polished to perfection, it's time to share it with the world!


The Show Must Go On (or Not!)

There's no need to unpublish your project to make changes. Simply head back to any of the pages used to configure your project, make your edits, and save them again. These changes will be reflected in the published version as well.


If you do want to take your project offline for a while, just click "Save and Publish" again and toggle the switch to off.

With Rapport your creativity has no bounds! So, grab your metaphorical director's hat and get ready to craft an unforgettable interactive experience.

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